Living in North Queensland before the internet and after the internet are two vastly different experiences; not dissimilarly to before and after a pandemic. In fact, many of the committee members who have worked to create the 2024 Whitsundays Writers Festival are new residents, passionate about creating a greater arts presence.
To our delight, there is a palpable excitement in the community for the arrival of our award-winning authors, and the opportunity to highlight and feature what we have discovered is a significant number of local authors living in the Whitsundays. We are fortunate to be able to build on previous festivals, and thank the committees and volunteers of those events from seven years ago.
The written word has the potential to transform lives. Reading can entertain us, educate us, give us an alternate point of view to consider, and it can deeply connect us with each other. This is my wish for our lovingly and consciously designed event; that we might as a community have our minds opened and share three memorable days of thoughtful experiences that enrich our lives.
Whether you are a reader, writer, audio book listener or someone who wishes you made more time to pick up the books on your shelf, we welcome you to join us for the 2024 Whitsundays Writers Festival. We know we live in the most beautiful location in the world, and presenting a three-day cultural event of this kind is a perfect match. On behalf of the 2024 committee, thank you.
Contributed with thanks to Karen Jacobsen
Karen Jacobsen, President of the Whitsundays Writers Festival