Friday, January 10, 2025


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Editor's Note

Hi Everyone,

I’m pleased to inform you that our team continues to expand!

Our Cadet Journalist, Daniel Heggie, has moved up to the Ingham to be part of the launch team for the new Hinchinbrook Life Newspaper which we started in November.

This means we are now welcoming Whitsunday Life Newspaper’s newest Cadet Journalist Victoria Velton to the team.

She will work alongside Ruth Puddefoot in the editorial department.

Also, new to the team is our Sales Account Manager Kerry Eastwood who started a couple of weeks ago – you can read all about her on page 10 of the paper this week.

Kerry will be working with our Sales Manager Trish Jandt and is dedicated to helping local businesses with their promotional needs.

If you would like to find out more how this newspaper can help your business reach the heart of the community, make sure get in-touch with Kerry directly.

This week represents this first time our team has gone to print with four newspapers and two magazines in the same week and I have to be honest, it’s not a deadline I have been looking forward to!

Fortunately, by the time many of you are reading this we will have made it to print and my two-week holiday can begin.

I’m heading down the coast with my family and we’ll be sending some time with my in-laws on Bribie Island before visiting friends in Byron Bay and then finishing up with more extended family time in Mooloolabah.

I am so excited to switch of a replenish, but equally excited to come back refresh and ready to the serve the community once again.

In the meantime, I’ll be leaving you in the very capable hands of Ruth Puddefoot who will lead the editorial under the supervision of our Mackay Editor, Amanda Wright.

Have a great few weeks and I’ll see you at the end of the month.


In other news