I am a long-term local sugar cane grower and have been proactively involved in the sugar industry for many years, including being a Canegrowers director and the inaugural Chairman of Sugar Services Proserpine. I am the current Division 5 councillor and Deputy Mayor.
The one issue I would address is cost of living pressure. It’s not a problem that I can fix, but I will do my best to limit any changes to council fees and charges.
Honest representation, a good work ethic and a commonsense approach, which is what I am doing my best to give. I feel I have a sense of duty to the community and have something to offer for the benefit of others.
With my experience, I will be able to hit the ground running. The first thing on the books will be to set the budget for 2024/2025. I will continue to do my best to represent and advocate for Division 5, as well as the Whitsunday Regional Council area as a whole.