Thursday, July 4, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Editors Note

Hi Everyone,
It’s great to be back after a week holidaying in Mission Beach!
We had a fabulous time despite the rain and really enjoyed bringing our giant Border Collie, Finn, along for his first family holiday.
Spending a concentrated amount of time with the kids opened my eyes to a few things – firstly – the incredible amount of energy they have and their desire to keep going non-stop all day – how do they do it?
I am definitely at the stage in my life where real joy is found in watching them play, rather than participating - although I do get involved as much as possible with their endless games of ‘pop-up tiggy’.
The second thing I realised is – jeeze – kids grow up fast! Blink and you will miss it – literally!
Watching them all walk along bush tracks, race along beaches and jump into the (freezing cold) swimming pool was very special and a reminder of how quickly they are growing – now aged 12, 9 and seven.
I look forward to savouring more of these precious family moments before they all become grumpy teenagers and only want lifts to see friends rather than spend time with us!
Anyway, it’s great to be back in the office this week as we embark on a full-scale double deadline for Core Life Magazine.
Once again, the team, here in the office, in Mackay and the Burdekin are doing an absolutely incredible job of juggling a million things at once and pushing forward with all their might to reach the finish line.
By the time you read this on Friday, we will hopefully have gone to print with Core Life Magazine and quite possibly be enjoying a well-earned drink!
Quote of the Week: “Be water my friend” (Bruce Lee).

In other news