Federal Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox, said that Mackay Christian College has suffered firsthand by the Youth Crime Epidemic last week with students almost being run over by an out-of-control stolen vehicle.
“This is becoming all too common with recent figures revealing that a record 2133 cars were stolen in QLD through December 2022,” Mr Willcox added.
“The Queensland State Government have switched off, wiping their hands of the issue. This is why I am standing with Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli to recall Parliament now. Our people can’t wait until the 21st for State Parliament to return,” Mr Willcox said.
“The State Member for Mackay and the three of blind mice of Townsville need to start listening to the peoples’ cries for help rather than toeing the party line.”
In Townsville and Mackay, it has become an everyday occurrence where young criminals are breaking into people’s homes.
“And those criminals are now moving into our smaller towns of Dawson. A young restauranteur and takeaway owner in Bowen was robbed at knife point. And a stolen farm truck was hooned around town before being set alight in the local river,” Mr Willcox said.
“The current laws are failing our community; the current Labor MPs are failing our communities and the State Government is failing our communities.
“The people of Dawson are living in fear and are essentially prisoners in their own homes. I am urging the State Labor Government to start looking after the victims of these crimes, not the criminals,” Mr Willcox said.
“Queenslanders want Parliament re-called now!”
Caption: Mackay Christian College Principal Barclie Gallogray and Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox