Thursday, September 12, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Winning Love Letter To Queensland

Dear Queensland,
I know…I’ve left you several times, I’ve wandered afar, seen remarkable sights, experienced pure joy.  But here I am, hat in hand, hand over heart.
I belong here with you.  You give so much and more.  You tantalise me, surprise me, reward me and open your arms to let me in, take me home.  This is where I belong, where I was born…in Queensland.
Your glorious sunset skies, white open beaches, forests of wonder, fields of every hue, red earth…ah there lies your heart.
Through tragedy and bliss it comes down to this. Your people, close together yet very personal, so little pretention.  Glamour if you need it, remoteness if that’s your style, but stumble and they come to aid, to offer support. Pretty tough, sometimes rough but the country needs such souls who can carry on, take the load, offer a hand or a soothing word, no matter what. As the day closes in a vibrant curtain of gold I feel warmth, protection and gladness that I am part of this state. The rhythm of the pounding rain reminds me that you are back again, wearing a different cloak, renewing your earth, your sky, your people.
You welcomed me and mine without judgement nor ridicule.  You took me back and soothed my soul.  Queensland so full of sophistication, isolation, freedom to be who you are, to choose your place and space.
I love you Queensland, awkward, versatile nurturing state.  I hope I can give back something of what you’ve given me, gladly and with determination, to maintain your pride, your style, your openness.
Thank you Queensland for leaving the door ajar lest I stray too far, left wondering who I am.  A Queenslander.

By Claire Thompson, of Slade Point Mackay.

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