Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Whitsunday Voices Hits Cloud Nine!

The culmination of a fantastic Whitsunday Voices Youth Literature Festival saw over 500 people walk into a magical wonderland Literary Dinner last Friday evening, one that was decorated with fluffy white clouds and bright white star lanterns.

Keynote speaker, political commentator, and comedian Annabel Crabb, enthralled the audience with her personal and deeply moving life story, creating a worthy end to an exceptional event.

This was the 19th annual Whitsunday Voices Youth Literature Festival and over 16,000 tickets were sold from the 65 schools that participated in the two-day immersive, interactive, and educational literary festival.

More than 5,000 students attended, including 500 children from remote and regional schools who were kindly sponsored by the Winchester Foundation.

This is the 10th year in a row that the foundation has sponsored rural students and during that time over 4000 have attended.

Of course, one of the most important components to the festival is the guest speakers.

During the event 13 authors, poets, illustrators, and performers wowed our region’s youth, with over 80 program sessions and workshops and over 1000 books signed.

There were also over 70 parents who kindly volunteered their time.

A highlight of the festival for many students was the opportunity to meet their favourite authors in person.

Students queued after presentations to meet presenters, and to get their books signed.

This proved to be a Festival ‘must do’, with The Book Nook a packed space of excited and chatty youngsters each day.

A favourite with the students was Marc McBride, an incredibly talented artist that is most famous for his work in the international best seller series, Deltora Quest, now a TV series that has sold over 18 million copies around the world.

Marc’s presentations took students on a journey into how he brings a story to life, how his love of dragons and monsters are influenced by nature, and he inspired students to pick up a pencil and bring their own ideas to life.

Festival Manager, Mrs Tracey Gurdler, said she and the Voices team were “incredibly proud” of the results of the festival and the ability to start the journeys of the region’s youth in writing and literature.

“Every year, the festival brings a different buzz amongst the attendees. To see children engaged and inspired in the fun of literature, reading, writing, and sharing stories with each other is a joy to witness. This is what Whitsunday Voices Literary Festival is all about,” she said.

Whitsunday Voices Youth Literature Festival relies on major sponsors and supporters in the local community, who value its goal to contribute to the literacy, cultural legacy, and social fabric of the future generations.

They would like to thank Major Festival Partner Daly Bay, Literary Dinner Partner Dalrymple Bay Infrastructure and other key partners BHP/BMA, Whitsunday Anglican School and Whitsunday Anglican School Foundation, and to the more than 50 local business partners, without whose support the Festival could not operate.


Whitsunday Voices Youth Literature Festival 2024 has been scheduled for 10-12 July 2024 with tickets on sale in April 2024.

Mrs Tracey Gurdler, Festival Manager, Mr Andrew Wheaton Whitsunday Anglican School Principal and Mrs Liz Russell Festival Coordinator with students. Photo supplied

Marc McBride inspiring students at the 19th annual Whitsunday Voices Youth Literature Festival. Photo supplied

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