13 Bootscooters – Line dancing, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 9am-11am $4pp
13 Justice of the Peace, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 11am-1pm
13 Maker Space 6+yrs, Cannonvale Library, 3pm-4:30pm
13 Women & Girls Come and Try, Airlie Beach Bowls Club, 5pm-6pm
14 Civil Safety, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, Bookings Required
14 Pram Pushers, Bowen Neighbourhood Centre, 9am-10:30am
14 Seniors Computer Program, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 9am-2:30pm, Bookings Required
14 Seniors Bingo, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 9:30am-12pm, $7.50pp & Seniors Card
14 Drop-in Baby Clinic & Baby Play, Cooinda Family Centre, 10am-12pm
14 Alcoholics Anonymous, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 6pm-7:30pm
15 Park Run, Meeting Area D, Coral Sea Marina, starting at 7am
15 Airlie Beach Market, Airlie Beach, starting at 8am
15 Maker Space 0-12yrs, Proserpine & Bowen Libraries, 9am-11am
16 Bowen Community Sunday Market, Hansen Park, from 8am
17 Harmony Week 17th – 23th
17 St. Patricks Day
17 The Courage Project, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, Bookings Required
17 FREE CORES Suicide Intervention Training, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, Call: 0448 894 525
17 Chair Exercise, CWA Hall, 9am-10am
17 Pilates & Weights, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 9am-11am, Call Janey: 0448 120 956
17 Bindi Bindi, Cooinda Family Centre, 9am-11am
17 Boardgames Club, Proserpine Library, from 1pm
17 Justice of the Peace, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 1pm-3pm
18 Lives Lived Well, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, Bookings Required
18 DV Court Support, Bowen Neighbourhood Centre, 8:30am-11am
18 Self Defence Academy, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 4pm-6:30pm, Call: Zoran 0432 599 907
18 Building Blocks, Cooinda Family Centre, 9am-11am
18 Emergency Relief, Bowen Neighbourhood Centre, 10:30am-11:30am
18 Elder Abuse Awareness & Prevention, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 11am-12:30pm, Bookings Required
18 Knit Wits Knitting Club, Cannonvale Library, 1:30pm-3pm
18 Tech Help, Cannonvale Library, 2pm-3:45pm
19 Lives Lived Well, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, Bookings Required
19 Senior Pilates, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 7:45am-8:45am, Call Marina: 0472 711 767
19 Whitsunday Quilters, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 9am-12pm, $5pp
19 Justice of the Peace, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 9:30am-2:30pm
20 DVRS – Men's Behaviour Change Program, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, Bookings Required
20 Mylestone Employment, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 8am-5pm, Bookings Required
20 Bootscooters – Line dancing, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 9am-11am $4pp
20 Pilates & Weights, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 11am-1:30pm, Call Janey: 0448 120 956
20 Maker Space 6+yrs, Cannonvale Library, 3pm-4:30pm
20 Self Defence Academy, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, 4pm-6:30pm, Call Zoran: 0432 599 907