On Tuesday, Bron Tolcher, Penny Warren, and Margaret Wilson defeated Deb Retchless, Irene Laird, and Mark Drummond to begin the week at Wangaratta Bowls Club.
The final of Men’s Triples was played on Saturday, which was won by Laurie Land, Kevin Daniels, and Barry Beel after defeating Greg Colquhoun, Peter Hinschen, and Geoff Danvers. This concluded club competition for the year.
On Sunday our bowls sections’ AGMs were conducted, with thanks to club members who took on executive positions to continue the successful running of the club for 2023.
Congratulations to new Ladies President Margaret Wilson and Men’s President Mark Drummond.
After a High Tea and presentation, members enjoyed a game of bowls. Winners for the afternoon were Irene Laird and Geoff Danvers defeated Isobel Wheeler and Sugar Brunker.
Other winners were Deb Retchless, Penny Warren, and Kennedy Whitton defeated Bill Myers, Lyn Danvers, and Pat Tracey.
Laurie Land, Margaret Wilson, and Greg Colquhoun joined the winners’ circle too, defeating Sue Shearing, Robyn Stitt, and Allan Rolfe, Bron Tolcher, Linda Scells, and Mark Drummond claimed a victory as well, beating out Russell Tolcher, Peter Warren, and Ted Evans.
The club’s social bowls will continue as normal on Tuesday and Sunday afternoons, with names needing to be in by 1pm for a 1.30pm start.
Contributed with thanks to Penny Warren
2023 Ladies’ and Men’s Presidents Margaret Wilson and Mark Drummond