Thursday, May 30, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Wangaratta Bowls

Alligator Creek Ladies' President's Day concluded with triumphant wins for Jocelyn DeFranciscis, Lyn Danvers, and Penny Warren, marking a celebratory event for the club. The club also welcomed an influx of bowlers from the south, adding to the competitive spirit during the weekly games.
In Tuesday's social bowls, intense competition led to Glen Doyle, Denis Madeley, and Jim Steel clinching the top spot as they outplayed Hun Jack Stamp, Keith Armstrong, and others. Runners-up Heidi Reif, Terrie Crozier, and Michael Loughhead showcased their skills against opponents Merle Elphinstone and Lorraine Knight. Other notable games included victories by Leon Fox and Greg Colquhoun over Ron Hyde and Mark Drummond, while Sue Shearing, Robyn Stitt, and Penny Warren defeated Albi Vigar, Lyn Danvers, and Geoff Danvers. Despite the fierce competition, the jackpot remained unclaimed.
Sunday's games echoed the tight contests of the week, with John Hayson, Sue Shearing, and Allan Rolfe defeating B Sing, Brian Bellingham, and Ron Hyde. Additional wins were recorded by Carole, Jim, and Denis over Jenny, Peter, and Mark. M Collins, J Stamp, and P Tracey over J Dawson, C Frew, and K Whitton. M Nesbit, L Land, and M Loughhead over L Scells, M Hyde, and K Armstrong. L Fox, G Cornell, and J Steele over M Elphinstone, H Reif, and G Colquhoun. The team of K Baxter, A Vigar, and B Beel triumphed over P Mullins, L Knight, and N Dawson, yet the jackpot remained elusive once more.
Looking ahead, Alligator Creek's Ladies are set to compete in the prestigious Blue Pennant this week in Townsville. They will face teams from Suburban, Thuringowa, South Townsville, Ayr, and Macknade/Noorla in a challenging series of 10 games over four days. Representing the club in Team 1 are Robyn Stitt, Lyn Danvers, Terrie Crozier, and Tiarna Winter, with Team 2 comprising Denise Wallace, Teresa Willshire, Marg Wilson, and Penny Warren.
The community sends their best wishes to these skilled bowlers as they prepare to showcase their prowess and teamwork in one of the region's most anticipated lawn bowling tournaments.

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