Wangaratta Bowls Club’s Come and Try afternoon held last Saturday was a huge success for the Bowen-based club.
Massive numbers turned up for the day – 37 in total, an increase of twelve from last year - each taking advantage of club member’s expertise, gaining valuable knowledge and skills to hopefully continue on playing bowls in the future.
After an introductory message from the Club Coach, the new bowlers and members were out on the green putting the information into practice.
After an enjoyable afternoon of bowling, everyone congregated into the club house for afternoon tea and a chat on how their game went. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Tuesday Social Bowls: David Kilpatrick and Penny Warren defeated Linda Smith and Margaret Wilson, while Bron Tolcher, Deb Retchless, and Mark Drummond defeated Deb Beel, Isobel Wheeler, and Sugar Brunker. The jackpot didn’t go off.
Sunday Results: Winners were Robyn Stitt, Isobel Wheeler, and Mark Drummond defeating Deb Retchless, Graeme Read, and Kennedy Whitton.
Toni Bowen, Penny Warren, and Sugar Brunker defeated Anthony Cresswell, Bill Myers, and Feley Duncan, while Laurie Land and Wayne Redskin defeated Linda Scell and Pat Tracey to round out the week. The jackpot didn’t go off.
Contributed with thanks to Penny Warren
Come and Try afternoon at Wangaratta Bowls Club was a major success
Alex and friends at Come and Try afternoon
Rink number five at the Come and Try Day