Our Mondays self-selected triples Winners for the afternoon were R Stitt, A Vigar, and A Rolfe.
Best other were B Myers, C Frew, and L Knight.
On Tuesday winners were J Vigar, D Slater, and L Nightingall.
Winners for our Fun Friday afternoon were A Lancaster, L Fox, and J Chadwick.
Friday Barefoot bowls winners were Wendy, James, and Dave.
Sunday winners came out on Rink 4.
They were L Suann, I Wheeler, and W Coonan.
The jackpot didn’t go off.
In the Men’s Pairs Final: M Drummond A Rolfe defeated G Colquhoun G Danvers
As most of the visitors have headed home bowls will now be played Sunday Tuesday and Friday Night.
Contributed with thanks to Penny Warren.