Last Tuesday the Proserpine Vets travelled to Collinsville to compete in the Whitsunday Veterans Comp.
Sixty-four players attended from Bowen, Proserpine, Home Hill, Ayr, and Collinsville.
It was a lovely day weatherwise and the course is looking much improved from our last visit, although the greens still prove challenging for some.
The Collinsville team put on a great day as usual.
The ladies’ winner on the day was Lynne Widt, Collinsville, second was our Tessa Aitken and our Beryl Nosworthy third.
Well done Prossie.
The men's winner was Frank Broucek from Bowen, second Michael Strickett also Bowen and Peter Dale Home Hill.
Next Tuesday will be our September Monthly Medal.
Contributed with thanks to Paul McQuat.
Second place ladies winner, Tessa Aitken. Photo supplied