The North Mackay Bowls Club recently hosted the Mackay Ladies District Master Pairs event, spanning over two weeks of spirited competition. Generously sponsored by Carlyle Gardens, this tournament attracted 22 teams hailing from Airlie Beach to Sarina, with the majority of participants representing the host club. It was no surprise as the competition narrowed down to the final four teams that three of whom were from North Mackay.
Last year's winners, Joan McGrath and Larda Purdie from Airlie Beach, put up a valiant performance against Lorna Bowers and Val De Pinto in the final, resulting in a draw at 21 ends. Lorna and Val were declared the winners after another end had them one ahead. Third and fourth places were taken out by Chris Woo and Chris Hall who defeated Cheryle Corbett and Pat O'Neill.
Lorraine Silman with Snr Vice President of the District.
Lorraine Silman, Snr Vice President of the District, with the four teams who played off in the finals. Lorraine presented the trophies.
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