Friday, March 21, 2025


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Toad Busters Break Records

Cane toads can be found everywhere across Queensland and persistent action needs to be taken to remove them. The Watergum Cane Toad Challenge came back again this year for their annual Great Cane Toad Bust event. With over 50,000 toads removed last year, they hoped to match that number and surpass it this season with state-wide help.

Being prolific breeders, Cane Toads are notorious pests producing up to 30,000 eggs at a time, and can live up to 10 years. They are toxic at all stages of their life cycle and when ingested, the toads’ skin and poison glands can kill many animals. They easily destroy ecosystems, devouring everything they can fit in their mouths as they are very resourceful omnivores.

The Great Toad Bust aims to put a stop to their spread, and one day remove them from Australia.

Thousands of participants across Queensland registered their efforts over the week-long Cane Toad Challenge event showing just how many toads they could remove to protect their own communities from this invasion. Studies show control efforts like specialised traps, can remove up to 47% of cane toads from localised populations and the Watergum website has many helpful tips on how to trap and humanly euthanise the toads.

If you want to help your local wildlife thrive again or just keep your own farm’s dam clear from pests, then get toad hunting! Though the event may be over, there are still plenty of toads about. Congratulations to everyone who went busting and set the new record at over 115,000 cane toads removed from all stages of live. Check out the results and see how you can help out: Happy busting!

Huge toad busted weighing at 420g. Photo Credit: Mt Barney Lodge Facebook

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