Despite good intentions, by this time in January – for some, New Year’s resolutions have been abandoned, relegated as ‘too hard’, are fading into oblivion due to inaction, or maybe not set at all. Feelings of failure and regret can bubble up.
There’s any number of reasons why our resolutions don’t work. And we know that all the good intentions do not produce results, it’s about action. It’s about what works for you – and it’s key to keep it simple.
What’s the one thing that you could choose to do in 2025 that would make a difference for you?
Just one thing allows singular focus, which is super important to channel our attention and energy. Other benefits of a focus on just one thing:
• Minimises distractions and interruptions
It’s easier to focus on just one task.
• Purposeful action
It’s easier to incorporate just one thing into your schedule (and habits).
• Efficiency
Just one thing means you can more easily make the most of the time you do have available.
• Mental clarity
You are not conflicted or overwhelmed with a big ‘to do’ list.
• Sense of achievement
It’s easier to take action on just one thing and sustain the commitment, providing an immediate sense of achievement and reward. Actions produce results.
Most of all, the important thing is to take action on your ‘one thing’. James Clear in his international bestseller ‘Atomic Habits’ emphasises the significance of taking action if you want results. All the planning, preparation and strategising won’t yield results (and unfortunately neither does procrastination) – it’s all about action. (‘Atomic Habits’ is well worth a read!)
And simple is the key. As an example - one less coffee a day; take lunch to work one day a week; spend 10 minutes per day disconnected and alone.
You need to do just that one thing! Make it easy! And if you ‘fall off the wagon’ on one occasion, don’t waste energy in beating yourself up. Keep going! Just one thing is not about an all or nothing decision. It’s about doing and repeating!
My just one thing is purposeful walking three times a week. I had a holiday from walking over my holidays. Now I am refreshed and recharged, and enjoying my just one thing.
The power of just one thing can and does make a difference.
Sometimes it helps to have independent support to stay on track. At CareerForce Australia, we can provide that individualised support - contact me at or 0409 894 131 to learn more.