Thursday, November 23, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Tee Up With Wangaratta

On Tuesday, winners were Deb Retchless, Merle Elphinstone, and Allan Rolfe who defeated Bron Tolcher, Irene Laird, and Geoff Danvers. The jackpot didn’t go off.

Competitions results: On Saturday our Club Mixed Fours was played out. Laurie Land, Denise Wallace, Penny Warren, and Allan Rolfe defeated Robyn Stitt, Merle Elphinstone, Isobel Wheeler, and Mark Drummond.

Tracey Roach, Crowie Kennedy, and Whitton Lloyd White defeated Lyn Danvers, Sue Shearing, Peter Hinschen, and Geoff Danvers.

The final was played in the afternoon with a very close finish the last bowl deciding the game. The winners were Tracey Roach, Crowie Kennedy, Whitton Lloyd White defeating Laurie Land, Denise Wallace, Penny Warren, and Allan Rolfe.  

On Sunday Mixed Pairs was played with Penny Warren and Alan Rolfe defeated Lyn Danvers and Goeff Danvers.

On Sunday Steve and Garth from Hervey Bay joined our members in a social game. Winners for afternoon were Robyn Stitt, Penny Warren, and Pat Tracey defeated Lyndi Suann, Irene Laird, and Alby.

Jim and Kennedy defeated Kevin and Steve. Garth’s team defeated Laurie’s team. The jackpot didn’t go off  

Don’t forget our Bowls Section AGM’s are on Sunday Morning at 9am followed by lunch at 12noon and if you are up to it social bowls in the afternoon.

Contributed with thanks from Penny Warren,

Linda Scells and Bron Tolcher enjoying Social Bowls Sunday. Photo supplied

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