In my observation, we do seem to spend a lot of time focussing on the negatives in our careers (and lives). The negative mindset is so often our ‘go to’ – what we haven’t achieved, and comparing ourselves to others can rapidly become a downward spiral and so de-motivating.
Being purposeful about celebrating our achievements, however small, and not comparing ourselves to others can boost motivation. Comparing ourselves to others is a risky distraction and potentially can derail the pursuit of our own goals.
Sometimes we need a jolt to do a personal reset to reinforce a positive mindset and build it into our personal toolkit.
Here are some strategies to help you focus on the positive and acknowledge your successes.
1. It’s about you and your goals
Identify goals that are specific to you and what you want to achieve. Celebrate when you reach milestones on your journey (and avoid comparing it to others).
2. Celebrate you!
Celebrate and enjoy what makes you unique. Forge your own path, which may be different from others, and acknowledge that your achievements are valuable on their own.
3. Create a personal reward system
Develop a reward system that works for you. Treat yourself to something enjoyable (it doesn’t need to involve big $) when you accomplish a task or reach a milestone, regardless of how it compares to others’ achievements.
4. Practice daily gratitude
Whether it be a gratitude journal where you note down things you’re thankful for each day, including small wins, and/or reciting gratitude mantra to start your day, this practice put the focus on reinforcing a positive mindset.
5. Know and work to your strengths
Identify your strengths and acknowledge these in your positive self-talk. Leveraging your strengths boosts your confidence and self-esteem.
6. Make your goals visible
What does success look like for you? Create a visual (e.g. picture board) and use it to track your achievements. Seeing your progress visually is strong motivation and reinforces your value on the journey. Celebrate the progress you have made over time.
7. Celebrate overcoming challenges
Celebrate any lessons learned. Obstacles are a part of the journey, and overcoming them is an achievement in itself.
8. Find your cheer squad
Surround yourself with a trusted few who will cheer you on and share in celebrating your success. Your cheer squad also will support and uplift you through the challenges.
Ultimately you are the judge of your own success (not others). Give yourself permission to celebrate your successes and accomplishments – big and small. By purposefully including these practices into your personal toolkit, you will learn to celebrate your journey – as well as the destination.
Sometimes working with someone else can give you more clarity on your strengths and desired milestones, this is where we can help. Contact me at or 0409 894 131 to find out how.