The good volunteers at the Whitsunday VMR service have had a busy few days. From stingers to sinking boats, they were on the case in the worst of the weather, teaming up with paramedics to ensure the safety of everyone they rescued.
It’s stinger season, and no one should be swimming in the Whitsunday area without a suit. A yachting group paid heed to this and wore them while swimming off the back of their boat but afterwards took them off for a leisurely stroll down the beach. To cool off they romped in the ankle-deep water and the result? One badly stung chest and more than two hours of absolute agony! Fortunately, the VMR team had paramedics on board who were able to administer morphine and the man survived.
Another rescue that happened close to shore was when the VMR team were called to assist a sinking plate boat and its occupants who were stranded on the beach. While the rescue situation appeared simple at first, the boat surprised everyone when it upended and sank to the bottom.
Scratching their heads about that, the team headed off to perform another rescue on the other side of Whitsunday Island. It was tough going as everyone was soaked due a storm creating rough seas and heavy rain. But thunder and lightning did not stop this rescue mission, and after five hours on the water the dedicated crew returned to home base, having rescued all the people and recovered and towed the two boats back to safety.
The skipper that day was Ken Bryce. He is a master 4, with a lot of around the world sailing experience. He brings an enormous depth of skill to our rescues and quite frankly there is no one else you would want to be relying on more in a marine emergency. Of course, he never works alone, and leads a dedicated team, helping people stay out of trouble in the water.
These include those working behind the scenes like radio-operator and fundraisers, without whose efforts VMR could not be put to sea. It’s tough finding volunteers, so if you would like to join the team, please go to the VMR Whitsunday website and sign up. Visit to learn more and start your marine rescue journey.
The plate boat sinking just off-shore. Photo provided: Shane Newell
Rescuers trying to hitch a tow on the sinking plate boat. Photo provided: Shane Newell