Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Quiet Time Break From Pennants

Many players from Proserpine and the Mackay District are currently at the Gold Coast competing in the Australian Open. Jonathan Bye and Gavin Milne have advanced to the second round of the knockout for the Men's Fours. Scott Kinnear has won all his sectional games in the Vision Impaired section and is set to play Jake Fehlberg in the semi-final on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, Pat Bownds and Lee King travelled to Marian Bowls Club with Heather to represent the club at Marian's PAH. In social play, Bruce Uhe, Arthur Griffith, and Nev Smith defeated Alen Sanderson, Arthur Griffith, and Philip Brown 21-17. Carol Smith and Mike Harrison defeated John Anderson and Barry Zillmann 31-15.
In Sunday Social Bowls, John Anderson, Bruce Uhe, and Heather Brown defeated Lee King, Mary Hedgelong, and Heather Brown 34-19. Alen Sanderson and Philip Brown defeated Arthur Griffith and Mike Harrison.
The semi-final of the B Singles was played on Saturday. David Ling defeated Harry Craig 25-17 in a thrilling game.
Many thanks to those who turned up on Saturday to assist with removing the old shades around the green. The holes have been prepared for the installation of new shades, with some progress expected during the week.
Special thanks to Kevin and Joan Thorogood for their years of service to the club. Though they are no longer able to play, we are grateful for the gift of their bowls, which will be used by new bowlers.

Contributed with thanks to Heather Brown

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