Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Putt-ting The Fun In Fundraising At The AGIS & Broken Ballerina Inc Charity Golf Day

Last Friday, the Northern Beaches golf course became a vibrant battlefield against domestic violence as supporters of the Broken Ballerina Foundation showcased their commitment to making a difference in a lively Charity Golf Day.

A splash of colour filled the course as a total of 88 men and women wore pink tutus and attire as 21 teams competed for over $12,000 in prizes, all while raising funds to support local domestic violence victims in Mackay.

BBI Tutu wearing enforcers kept busy with handing out fines for best in bush, loudest four play, shonky slices, honky hooks and soggy balls.

Founder of Broken Ballerina Inc, Jules Thompson expressed her gratitude for AGIS’s major sponsorship and emphasised the day's significance.

"We’re having lots of fun today," she said.

“We’re so thankful that AGIS has jumped on board to be our major sponsor, so for us to have our first annual AGIS & Broken Ballerina Charity Golf Day is a huge achievement to get here and have so many teams coming along to support us.

“To be honest with you, the issue is increasing.”

“We’re getting busier and the housing crisis on top of everything is making it even harder for victims to find somewhere safe to go and so that’s why events like this are important because we reply on donations from our community to continue to operate.”

Member for Whitsunday and Shadow Minister for the prevention of domestic, family and sexual violence Amanda Camm praised the foundation’s crucial role.

“It’s great to be here today supporting the work of the Broken Ballerina foundation,” said Ms Camm.

“This foundation offers practical support for women and children and those affected by domestic and family violence, and what’s so fantastic about today, is the number of men from our male dominated industries across our region that have come out here in support of Broken Ballerina.”

Longest Drive: Reece Schultz-AGIS
Accuracy Drive: Luke Marmion-AGIS
1st Place Team: One Hit Wonders - Ch 7 Ring ins, thanks to CMR
2nd Place Team: Let Them Cook -ECC
3rd Place Team: Broken Wings-AGIS
2nd Shot In Team: Nobody’s Monkeys
Nearest The Pins: Jason Powell - Nobody’s Monkeys, Jason Upton, Rachael Evans-SCIG, Happy Gilmore Drive
Winner: Josh H-ECC
Tutu Spooners: MTP
Most fines and winners of a $200 Red Dog Brewery Voucher: Dr.Phil & The Longshafts

The day was filled with fun, smiles and laughs last Friday at the AGIS & Broken Ballerina Inc Charity Golf Day. Stay tuned for next year’s event! Photo credit: Hannah McNamara and Broken Ballerina Inc

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