Thursday, October 10, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Police Remembrance Day Service Honours Officers

Over 30 people gathered at St Paul’s Anglican Church in Proserpine last Friday for National Police Remembrance Day.

The service paid respect and recognised Australian Police Officers nationwide and international police officers.

The Remembrance Day paid tribute to officers that died both in service and out of service.

Queensland Police Proserpine Station Sergeant Mark Flynn spoke on the matter.

“The Queensland Police Service acknowledges the years of service, commitment and integrity of retired police officers,” he said.

“Their valuable contribution over many years of dedicated service has provided safety and justice for the Queensland community. We observe a time of silence to remember and honour those who have died in this past year.”

He also addressed active serving officers that had past since the last National Police Remembrance.

“The Queensland Police Service acknowledges the contribution of serving police officers who have passed away since National Police Remembrance Day 2023. In doing this we remember them and honour the service, courage and integrity with which they served,” he said.

“We observe a time of silence to remember and honour those who have died in the past year.”

Sergeant Mark Flynn said the day is important to all officers, past, present and international officers too.

“It's important to remember those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice and that's their lives, not only within Queensland, but throughout the nation and Pacific Nations countries as well,” he said.

“I have been a police officer for 26, years now, and I have been delivering police service remands so it's definitely important. It's important to all of us.”

On National Police Remembrance Day Queensland Police Service remember and honour Queensland police officers who were killed in the line of duty. Queensland Police Service also remember and honour those whose deaths did not occur as a consequence of their duty.

Senior Sergeant Craig Shepherd, Sergeant Mark Flynn, Mayor Ry Collins and Councillor John Collins
Bowen, Whitsunday, Proserpine Police Officers

Photo credit: Daniel Heggie

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