Thursday, July 11, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

On The Whitsunday Green  Weekly 9-Hole Stableford Results

The weekly 9-hole stableford competition saw Paul Foster take the win with 20 points. In second place, with an 18-point count-back, was Glenn Rees. Third place, also with 18 points on a count-back, went to Brody Thompson..
Sunday's 4BBB Event
Sunday's 4BBB event saw Edwina and Troy Pettiford take the win with a net score of 46.25. The nearest to the pin was Rob Lodders. Great job by all participants.
Upcoming Club Championships
This Sunday, 14th July, our Club Championships will tee off between 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM.

Contributed with thanks to Kate Cross.

Edwina Pettiford and Troy Pettiford

In other news