Thursday, July 25, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Offering A Helping Hand

A heartfelt thank you was shared from a grateful parent to the individuals who came to the aid of their son last Tuesday evening on the Yakapari-Habana Road.

The young driver had veered off the road into tall grass while attempting to avoid an animal.

Acknowledging the fortunate outcome that spared harm to both the driver, his passenger and their vehicle, the parent expressed immense gratitude for the kindness shown by those who stopped to assist.

Two individuals in the area witnessed the incident unfold and promptly stepped in to assist. One actively helped the young driver, while the other stopped to offer support.

The parent posted to Facebook to thank the individuals personally.

The post read: “A really big thankyou to the person who helped my son earlier this evening out on Yakapari-Habana Road.

“He had run off road into long grass after swerving to miss an animal, he was very lucky he didn't do more damage either to himself, passenger or his car.

“If you were the person who helped him or the other person who stopped to see if they could help I just want to say a really big thank you for your kindness, it's very much appreciated.”

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