In the world of social bowls, on Wednesday, September 27th, the triples game saw Betty Mulhall, Isla Comelli, and Kathy Mathews emerge as winners. The pairs game witnessed Fay McCubben and Lidia McCarthy securing the runner-up position.
Moving to Sunday, September 24th, the Club Mixed Pairs final took centre stage. Competing in this closely contested match were Mick Walsh and Lois Deguara against Peter Delaney and Jean Zamparutti. Ultimately, Mick and Lois clinched the title.
The Men's and Ladies Club Presentation night is scheduled for October 14th, where awards and recognitions will be presented to the participants.
Contributed by Sue Hazledine
L-R : Peter Delaney, Jean Zamparutti, Lois Deguara and Mick Walsh