Thursday, July 25, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Local Boy Joins Mental Health Youth Leader Program

Youth mental health is an important topic for many families and Proserpine State High School Year 12 student Nathan Richards is passionate about the topic. 

Nathan has been accepted into the Mental Health Foundation Australia’s Youth Leaders Program (YLP) for 2024 and is the only high school student selected, with the other leaders being current university students. 

Nathan said it was a great honour to be accepted into the program as one of 16 from across the country.

“I’m hoping to raise greater awareness about youth mental health for rural towns to help improve support services,” he said.

This year Nathan was named the first ambassador at his school for the Push For Better Foundation that aims to raise awareness and remove stigmas when talking about mental health.

He was also one of the first six b kinder ambassadors named at Proserpine State High School as part of the b kinder foundation.

Proserpine State High School Principal Don McDermid said Nathan has never underestimated the impact his actions can make on his peers and the wider community.

“It’s impressive to witness Nathan’s actions and passion towards making a difference to the wellbeing of Australia’s youth,” he said.

“Now he takes his vision to a national level. It’s very inspiring!”

As part of the YLP Nathan will take part in a series of webinars and discussions with businesses, parliamentarians, government organisations and agencies, universities, TAFE colleges, schools and professionals working in the mental health sector.

They will be discussing issues youth are faced with regarding mental health and what it is younger Australians require when it comes to support and advocacy.

Proserpine State High School Principal Don McDermid and Nathan Richards. Photo supplied

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