Are you feeling overwhelmed by clutter? Taking small steps to declutter your space has proved to have a significant impact on your mental and physical wellbeing. As one of Queensland’s largest NDIS providers of mental health and suicide prevention support, Selectability is here to help you explore the transformative effects decluttering can have on your mental health
A tidy space can create a calmer environment, reducing stress and making you feel more in control. It can also provide relief from mental health challenges like grief, depression, or anxiety. When you declutter, you create room to think clearly and make decisions more easily, boosting your focus and productivity. Letting go of things that no longer serve you can free up space not only in your home but also in your heart, bringing a sense of freedom and happiness.
If you or someone you care about is struggling with hoarding or decluttering, asking simple, reflective questions like, "What does this item mean to you?" or "Could you live without it?" can mean all the difference, and open up important conversations.
Hoarding can be a complex challenge, but with patience, empathy, and the right support, healing is certainly possible.
If you're ready to take the first step towards better mental health, pop into Selectability’s safe and welcoming space at Sarina’s Mental Health Hub on Broad St. Since opening late last year, it has been vital in supporting the mental wellbeing of the local community. Whether you’re looking to connect, learn new skills, or make new friends, the team is here to guide and support you.
Visit to learn more.