Imagine if for minimal or no expense, your business can make changes that will allow you to increase your customer base and your bottom line? Interested…?
When we think of people with a disability, typically a person in a wheelchair comes to mind. However over 90% of disabilities are invisible and more than half of these people are aged over 55. One in six people in our community have sight, hearing, social and mobility barriers that can result in a poor customer service experience – that’s 20% of potential customers your business could be missing out on!
There is a myth that making your business more accessible is costly. One of the simplest solutions is to educate your staff how to communicate well with people experiencing communication barriers which could include cerebral palsy, stroke or come from a non-English speaking background. Good communication equals good customer service.
The Good Access Equals Good Business Guide was created by Mackay Regional Council and the Access and Inclusion Reference Group. It is a brilliant resource for local businesses to identify their accessibility issues with a simple checklist.
Armed with this knowledge, business owners can then use the guide to make small changes that can make a big difference; attracting new customers and repeat business. It can also help businesses meet their legal responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Act (1992).
The Queensland Government has declared 2023 is the Year of Accessible Tourism in Queensland. $12 million in funding has been announced to support small and medium businesses to develop or enhance accessibility.
The Mackay region is striving to enhance our reputation as an inclusive and accessible destination; the Seaforth Esplanade and Woodlands Parkland upgrades are a testament to our commitment to create amazing spaces for our whole community and visitors to enjoy.
We can shine as an Accessible Tourism Destination, and it starts with empowering our local businesses by dispelling the myths around access and inclusion and making the small changes that will take their business to the next level.
Everyone in our community deserves to feel welcome, included and experience great customer service wherever they go.
Cr. Michelle Green
Mackay Regional Council