The much-celebrated Queens Beach Tourist Village (QBTV) has finally reached its goal this week, receiving the third consecutive gold accolade for the Best Large Caravan Park at the Grey Nomads Awards.
Not only do they receive the acclaim of being considered the best caravan park in Australia for Grey Nomads, they also enter into the award’s Hall of Fame, an ambition they’ve been driving towards since they began.
Gerry Tomsett said the park’s owners, Jennie and Peter Greer, were thrilled with the announcement and grateful for to all the staff for putting so much effort into providing memorable experiences to Grey Nomads.
“It’s an absolutely fantastic feeling!” said Gerry.
“Everything we do is geared towards the Grey Nomads and we love going that extra mile to make sure they are happy.”
Staff organise many of the events over the season and each activity adds to the overall experience of each guest.
“We have pancakes every Tuesday, a regular quiz night, low impact aerobics once a week and four singers over the season who come and perform some golden oldies,” explained Gerry.
“We also hold a QBTV’s Got Talent Night and it’s amazing to see how many people have secret skills – like the ukulele and guitar.”
In addition, the Grey Nomads get to engage with the community and raise money for local charities.
Each season, there is a weekly sausage sizzle held for the Grey Nomads and last year over $8,300 was raised and donated to the Country Women’s Association of Bowen.
It is clear to see how this dynamic and fun-loving park won the award again this year.