Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Gooseponds 3 Bowl Triples

Last Saturday, we welcomed 32 teams of lady bowlers from all over our district and beyond as far as Ayre and Bowen. Ladies President Lidia McCarthy welcomed everyone to the club for this inaugural event. After a very scrumptious morning tea, the ladies hit the rinks for the first of 3 X 16 end games. Lunch was a gastronomic event thanks to the Goosies Sport and Recreation Club, manager Ian Morris and his wonderful staff, returning to the rinks for the next two games and finishing around 4.30.

After all the results were calculated, the very excited winners were: Lorna Bowers and Lois Deguara from North Mackay club and Joyce Bloomfield from St Helen’s club. A very close second went to Fay Duncan’s team from Wangaratta club. 3rd place went to Doris Monroe’s team from Wests club. 4th place was a draw between Kathy Mathew’s and Betty Nicole’s teams.

Congratulation to all our winners and of course all the players. Many thanks to our sponsors for this event Minestaff, Gardian and Phillips Mortgage Choice Mackay. Hopefully this will be an annual event for our club. Many thanks to each and every one who helped to make this event the success that it was. Thanks to event sponsors Clint Zahmel and Ben Phillips for attending today and experiencing the talent we have in our district.

Contributed by Sue Hazledine

North Mackay won the inaugural ladies event

Wangaratta placed second

Wests finished in third. Photos supplied: Sue Hazledine

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