The PCYC in the Whitsundays is putting out the call for any young people who are looking to get skilled up for work. Their Get Set for Work program is an intensive employment and training assistance program for young, disengaged Queenslanders aged 15–19 years. Participants will gain the skills and confidence to enter the workforce, go on to further training or go back and complete school.
The program runs every term for 10 weeks and Term 1’s intake begins on the 28th of January. It aims to help upskill young people who have left school, are not currently enrolled in school, or recent graduates who need help with job seeking. They also teach life skills such as cooking and helping with mental and sexual health to those who are anxious or underprepared for the transition to a working life.
Participants will have the opportunity to tour many industries’ workplaces and earn qualifications aligned to your workplace goal. From construction white cards, RSA’s and first aid certificates, to shipboard safety skill sets and practical work experiences, there will be many opportunities to learn what job pathways are out there and have a fun time along the way.
The program had a 71 per cent success rate last year with participants either enter employment, going on to further study, or returning to school. The program is of no charge to the participants and considers all applicants, but spaces are limited to a maximum of 12 persons per term, so if you or your child is at a social disadvantage and need help preparing for work, call the coordinator on: 4948 1144 or email:
Get Set for Work is one of eight programs that make up the Queensland Government’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative.
WHAT: Get Set for Work
WHEN: 28th January
WHERE: PCYC Whitsundays
Get Set for Work coaches and their successful student at a tradie's apprenticeship. Photo supplied: PCYC Whitsundays