If you’re looking for a sport that literally anyone can play, then touch footy is for you.
It’s fun, it’s social, requires little commitment and Whitsunday Touch Secretary Alita Debrincat wants everyone to give it a go.
“It’s such a great sport for everyone,” she said.
“We’ve got from eight-year-olds to 50-plus-year-olds playing in the competition, touch footy’s one of those sports that has a grade for everyone, including mixed grades and family grades.
“It’s a great game for the whole family to enjoy and the only sport in town that you can play as a whole family.
“Our mixed competition is growing fast and we are calling for more women to come give footy a go!”
The growing mixed competition provides a healthy and social atmosphere to play touch footy with friends old and new.
“Traditionally our mixed comp allows a maximum of four males on the field,” Alita said.
“The rest of the state plays with no more than three males on the field and we want to bring our touch competition to the same level as the rest of the state, so we need more women to come give touch a go.”
Nominated by Queensland Touch Football for Best Small to Medium Association in 2022, Whitsunday Touch has four Competition Grades including Open A Grade, Mixed A & B, Mixed C (Family Grade) and Kids Touch (5 to 8 years).
Kids Touch is only $50 each when you sign up at the Whitsunday Sports Expo.
With all games held at the Whitsunday Sports Park on a Monday night, starting between 6:00pm and 8:00pm, and no training or travel involved, touch footy is proving itself as the cheapest and most accessible sport in town.
Grading games start in early February with the season to start later in the month, followed by a second season halfway through the year.
“Just come down and have a go,” said Alita.
You can find Alita and the team from Whitsunday Touch at the Whitsunday Sports Expo happening on Saturday, February 4 from 9:00am until 1:00pm at Whitsunday PCYC, Jubilee Pocket.
Whitsunday Touch Secretary Alita Debrincat says come give touch a go!