The long-promised upgrades to the Bruce Highway appear to be slipping further out of reach, leaving residents of Dawson frustrated and disappointed. Despite a commitment of $7.2 billion in funding, recent Senate estimates hearings revealed that only $432 million will be spent on the highway over the next three years—just a fraction of what was expected.
Federal Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox, has voiced his dismay at the slow rollout, calling it yet another letdown for Queenslanders.
“Again, the government has not been upfront with Queenslanders on when workers can actually get started to fix the highway,” he said.
“Only $30 million out of $7.2 billion will be allocated over the next 16 months, which is simply not good enough.”
The lack of urgency is particularly concerning given the human cost of delays.
“Tragically, 43 lives were lost on the Bruce Highway last year,” Mr Willcox said.
“That’s 43 families devastated by preventable accidents on a road that desperately needs attention.”
Community frustration has been mounting, with more than 1,000 residents signing Mr Willcox’s Back Our Bruce petition, which has been presented to Parliament. In last May’s Budget, the federal government cut $488 million from Bruce Highway funding over the forward estimates—only to now restore a lesser amount at $432 million.
“And they expect people to be grateful for that?” he said.
“This is just like the broken promise that our energy bills would be reduced by $275 before the 2022 election.”
Mr Willcox remains committed to fighting for the region’s fair share.
“If elected, the Coalition has a plan to get Australia back on track, and that starts with restoring the 80:20 funding arrangement for Bruce Highway projects after it was stripped away,” he said.
“Right now, I am really concerned the Bruce Highway will be worse off over the next three years.”
For the people of Dawson, the message is clear—delays and half-measures aren’t good enough when lives are at stake.
Did you know Federal Member for Dawson, Andrew Willcox, and his office can assist seniors with a range of services? Whether it's navigating aged care benefits, pension concerns, or My Aged Care inquiries, his team is ready to help.
Andrew’s office can also arrange special milestone letters from King Charles III, the Prime Minister, and the Governor-General for significant birthdays and anniversaries.
If you or a loved one need support, don’t hesitate to reach out. Andrew is committed to ensuring seniors in Dawson get the recognition and assistance they deserve.