Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Forking Out Funds For A Cure Cheree Ridolfi’s #ForkCancer Longest Table

Last Saturday evening, Cheree Ridolfi hosted a delightful #ForkCancer Longest Table event.

Inspired by the heartbreaking impact of a sudden cancer diagnosis on her daughter-in-law's uncle, Tony, Cheree organised this cocktail attire dinner to raise funds and bring together guests who share a passion for the #ForkCancer initiative. The night featured a variety of delicious home-cooked dishes accompanied by fine wines, beer and ginger beer on tap. After dinner, a lively auction took place with numerous items sold to support #ForkCancer research.

Including Cheree’s prior fundraising efforts, the event raised a total of $5,017, all of which will be matched by the Longest Table organisation, which will go directly towards those in need in the fight against cancer.

Image of Cheree’s daughter-in-law's, uncle, Tony. Image supplied

Photo credit: Hannah McNamara

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