Thursday, October 26, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life


More people will soon have access to Mackay’s beautiful blue water river with the installation of a floating pontoon.

The pontoon, to be constructed at the end of Brisbane Street, near the Bluewater Quay, is part of the Mackay Waterfront Priority Development Area’s (PDA) Riverside Revitalisation project.

The pontoon will allow commercial and non-motorised watercraft to have centralised access to the Pioneer River to load and unload for a day of recreation.

Contractor SMC Marine Pty Ltd has been fabricating the floating pontoon offsite and will start the installation process in early November, weather permitting.

All piling equipment and the pontoon will be delivered to the site in stages over a number of weeks. As it is delivered it will be offloaded to a barricaded laydown area at the River Street boat ramp before being floated up the river to its final location at the Brisbane Street fishing pier.

The River Street boat ramp will not be closed during this time; however, motorists and fishers are asked to please follow all instructions from traffic controllers.

The Brisbane Street fishing pier will be closed to the public during installation, however the surrounding pedestrian paths around the pier and Bluewater Quay area will remain open.

Working hours will be generally Monday to Friday, from 6am to 6pm, and some weekends or night works when required.

The floating pontoon is anticipated to be completed by late December 2023, weather permitting.

Some dust and noise disruptions are expected due to the various plant and equipment onsite, however, appropriate controls will be put in place to minimise impacts.

This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government and Mackay Regional Council.

For more information contact Community Engagement on 1300 MACKAY (622 529).

A map showing the area at the River Street boat ramp that will be a barricaded laydown area during the works

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