Thursday, February 13, 2025


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Elections: Grown With Grass Roots

By Kevin Borg, Chairman, CANEGROWERS Mackay

CANEGROWERS is 100 years old in 2026, we have grown over those 10 decades with one clear focus: championing the needs and capacity of each of our members, and working hard for a flourishing industry that supports every grower and harvester.

In 2025, the organisation will hold its triennial elections, with nominations opening in just a few weeks. Every member is welcome to put their hand up to nominate in what is an exciting part of CANEGROWERS’ democratic structure.

Every month, there are branch meetings held at Calen, Marian, Finch Hatton, Racecourse, and Koumala. They are a great way to catch up with your fellow growers and hear about what the organisation has been up to, but also to raise issues that directly affect you, with your elected representatives.

We aim to help you with your issues- whether it is getting staff support to get through cumbersome paperwork, or a matter that requires industry or government advocacy.

Beyond branch, there are area committees supporting a local board, represented in Queensland CANEGROWERS Policy Council and Board. We all have a view from the paddock, but CANEGROWERS is looking for members ready to take that energy and passion for action and stand up for our members’ point of view.

It’s that broadness of representation that is dedicated to keeping every cane farming business afloat- it makes your levies a good investment in your business. Your levies cover a broad number of important issues, and professional staff to deal with these.

In the decades I have represented growers, I have found great rewards and satisfaction, and any other grower rep will tell you the same. It’s an honour to speak up for your fellow growers. It gives you an opportunity to expand your knowledge of how the industry operates.

The next three-year term will have a lot of issues to tackle: the changes proposed with Sugar Terminals Ltd, the development of Sugar Research Australia, the future path of Queensland Sugar Ltd. Bio-commodities. Productivity. Cost of production. And, of course, the critical industry viability issue of milling reliability. There’s a lot to get your teeth into.

Get in touch with our office, and we can help you with your nomination. There will be training for elected representatives, with the new term starting 1 May.

We are the only grower organisation that can offer genuine broad representation locally and at State, national and international arenas, that is respected for its base of deep industry knowledge and integrity.

Above all we aim for a high standard of professionalism in the way we communicate and negotiate. There’s the saying that “discretion is the better part of valour”, and our capacity to quietly negotiate for an outcome that often benefits not just our members but the whole grower/harvester sector and its capacity to keep on farming. By maintaining our reputation for our professional standards, we maintain the ear of industry and government, and the community. But we do understand that our members want to hear about it.

There is a lot that you will hear at branch meetings that we cannot necessarily discuss in public forums. We want growers’ input on these issues: every member has a chance to speak at branch, every member matters.

If you want to have a say, get involved! Or take the extra step and show your interest in becoming an elected representative.
Aside from committee and board meetings among elected representatives, to achieve work for the industry, CANEGROWERS Mackay provides forums for members to engage with each other and the organisation across the year, from monthly branch meetings to special information meetings. Photo credit: Kirili Lamb.

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