Thursday, July 25, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Editors Note

Hi Everyone,

No-one can really comprehend what it’s like to lose everything until they do. And then it changes your life forever.

This is an experience that one local family are sadly going through this week having lost all their belongings in a house fire on Sunday night.

I’d like to thank Alannah (the mum of the family that lost everything in the house fire) for sharing her story with us and for expressing her gratitude to the community at a time when she would undoubtedly be feeling pretty miserable.

It amazes me time and again how people who experience a horrendous situation or traumatic event come out the other side feeling intensely grateful.

I imagine they are feeling lucky to be alive, but I’ve also observed from covering other similar stories in the newspaper, that this gratitude is often a result of the community’s incredible outpouring of love and support.

On the phone this morning Alannah said that these challenging times bring out the best in people.

She mentioned that she couldn’t imagine receiving this much love living anywhere else in the world, and that every donation or kind word has helped her get through these dark few days.

I love that our close little community always rallies to support one another, whether it is to help a family recover from a house fire, donate their time to a local charity or in raising funds for someone who needs vital medical treatment.

Our community always does what they can whether it is turning up to an event, contributing what they can afford or simply clicking ‘share’ to get the word out there.

I couldn’t agree with Alannah more, there is nowhere else I’d rather live either.


Quote of the Week: “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intension” (Oscar Wilde)

In other news