Thursday, July 25, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Editors Note

Hi Everyone,

I came home this evening and for some unexplained reason I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness wash over me.

I can’t place the exact feeling, just a heavy weight of negative thoughts – I’m a terrible boss, I don’t have time for anyone! I am a terrible mum, I have no energy left at the end of the day! That sort of thing.

Each thought compounded and all of a sudden, my life was terrible and I was feeling fairly depressed.

Fortunately, I have learnt over the years that it is better to sit in your feelings rather than push them down or dismiss them. When you do this, they will soon depart.

So, I allowed myself to feel it. Work through it and give it the respect it deserved.

Of course, I had no reason to feel ‘down’ this evening. My life is pretty perfect – I have a family who loves me, a partner who adores me, friends that think I’m cool and a job I love.

With all these life goals already ticked – what did I have to be sad about?

Well, that’s the thing with life, and something I was reminded about again today when I chatted with Matt from Whitsunday Suicide Prevention Network (WSPN).

It’s not about needing a reason to work on your mental health, it’s about committing to an ongoing relationship with yourself, a relationship that needs constant nurturing.

When I spoke to Matt today, I loved hearing about the recent ‘Legends’ night where famous sports players and community heroes shared their mental health journeys.

It reminded me that there is power in prevailing and strength in showing vulnerability.

When I got home tonight and felt a little sad, it was comforting to draw upon thoughts of these inspiring people and I was able to relate to the story I’d just written – it really helped.

This is what I believe is so special about WSPN, they simply want everyone to know they are here and that you are not alone – put your hand up and talk – you will be heard.


Quote of the Week: “Almost anything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you” (Anne Lamott)

In other news