Thursday, July 18, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Editors Note

Hi Everyone,

Back to school this week and many parents (and grandparents) may be feeling relieved to have the routine returned – I know I am! Although I love the holidays, I think children get so much from school these days, not only connection with friends but also mental stimulation that both challenge and invigorate them.

My son, however, certainly didn’t realise this new routine was a welcome addition when he woke up on Monday morning. In fact, he promptly informed me that he hated school, followed by - “this is the worst day of my life!”

Thankfully, we pushed through the morning and as suspected, when his dad picked him up, he was told he’d had a “wonderful day!”

I asked him about it later that evening and I found the one thing he chose to mention to be very interesting.

He said they had a class where they were told to look in a mirror and say three positive things about themselves – one of his was that he was brave, which I thought was lovely as he definitely has to dig deep with daily challenges.

I love that positive affirmation and mental wellbeing is part of the curriculum these days and the fact that it was a highlight of the day for my son really reinforces that it’s not only important but also working.

It got me thinking about my own little rituals – one of them is in the shower each morning where I imagine the water is good vibes washing over me for the day. As I wash my face, I list the things I want to embody – good health is always first, but I also add things like confidence, compassion, energy, ability.  

This little routine really sets me up for the day – what routine do you have? Or what routine could you start?


Quote of the Week: “I breathe in confidence and exhale fear” (Stevie M Starks)

In other news