Thursday, March 6, 2025


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Editor's Note

Hi Everyone,

For the past decade,I’ve had the privilege of being part of the Life Publishing Groupfamily. When I first joined, we were printing two bi-monthlymagazines. Fast forward to today, and we now produce four weeklynewspapers alongside those same two magazines.

It’s been anincredible journey—one filled with growth, determination, breakingbarriers, and plenty of laughter along the way. We've embraced everychallenge, thinking outside the box, and smashing stereotypes atevery turn. What a wild ride it’s been!

This week, however,marks a significant moment for the company. My mentor, my hero, myguiding force, and the woman who has championed me since day one—BecDouthwaite—is about to embark on her own adventure with herhusband, our beloved ‘paper delivery boy,’ Douth.

The two of them areventuring overseas where they will be taking an extended vacation tothe UK, to spend quality time with family.

To say we’ll missthem both is an understatement. While Bec will continue to be a partof the business, offering advice and mentorship whenever we need it,the thought of them being thousands of miles away is hard to grasp.

Amidst all thischange, however, I can’t help but feel excited for what’s ahead.Over the past year, Bec has stepped away from the day-to-dayoperations of the business, and I’ve had the privilege of leadingthe team under her mentorship.

So, even thoughshe’s been just down the road, in many ways, I’ve already beenstepping into the role I’m now about to officially take on—leadingthe company.

It’s with greatpride and humility that I accept this position, and I want to extendmy heartfelt thanks to both Bec and Douth for placing their trust inme.

I know this businessis like a second child to you (and it is to me as well!), and Ipromise to treat it with the same care and dedication, working hardto make you both proud.

For our readers,I’ll still be based in the Whitsundays and will continue to overseethis newspaper closely. I am, however, also responsible for our otherpublications, traveling across the regions each month. This meanssome of our talented cadet journalists will have the opportunity toshine in the Editor’s note from time to time.

As the companyenters a new chapter, I want to take a moment to wish Bec and Douththe most incredible time overseas. We’ve shared so many wonderfulmemories, and I’m sure there are many more to come! When you’reready to return, we’ll all be here, eagerly waiting to welcome youback.


Quote of the Week:“Only those who dare, truly live” Ruth P Freedman

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