During the recent North Queensland flooding, train drivers Jade and Renee spotted a stranded echidna along the Gregory Development Road.
With the help of the Bowen Rail Company’s rail traffic controller, the little creature was carefully relocated to a safer area away from traffic. Once out of harm's way, the echidna was able to get back on his way, snuffling through the bush.
This encounter highlights the Bowen Rail Company’s ongoing commitment to wildlife protection. From the early stages of designing the rail corridor to avoid critical habitat areas, to implementing monitoring programs that track and protect local wildlife, the company takes every opportunity to ensure the safety and preservation of their local native species.
The Bowen Rail Company is dedicated to making sure that both the environment and wildlife are safeguarded while continuing to operate services, demonstrating responsibility to both nature and the community.
Thank you Jade, Renee, and the rail traffic controller for looking out for this little guy.