A heartwarming story unfolded in a local community when a mother reached out on Facebook, hoping to find someone to take her son fishing offshore.
Her 13-year-old son, Cayden, is a passionate angler who spends “90% of his time out fishing and learning new skills from other like-minded people.”
However, without a boat of their own, Cayden was eager to explore fishing in deeper waters. The mother’s post read, “He has the urge to go fishing offshore in a boat somewhere… happy to pay for your fuel, supply a slab, or chip in any way I can.”
The response was overwhelming, with locals offering their boats and time to support the young fisherman’s dream. One kind-hearted individual commented, “I have a boat, and we head out to islands around Keswick.
“Happy to take him and a mate on an afternoon/day trip.” Another said, “We have a boat, and my partner goes out to Slade Rock, Flat Top, Round Top, and heaps more.”
The mother expressed her gratitude, saying, “There are so many kind and wonderful locals that would like to help my son Cayden to fulfil his wish to fish offshore in deep waters. I cannot thank you all enough.”
With the local community behind this young fisherman, he is sure to cast his line into deeper waters and reel in endless opportunities!
13-year-old Cayden with his prized catches. Photo source: Facebook