Thursday, October 17, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

CAMPAIGN RACE HEATS UP Burdekin, Whitsunday, Mackay & Mirani Candidates Share Their Views On Key Issues

Questions posed for each candidate to answer:

1: What key policies or ideals does the political party you're running for have that you resonate most with, what are the reasons you align with them?

2: What is your main election promise and how are you going to ensure it actually happens if you are elected?

3: What policy/promise do you like from a competing party and how would you like to see it play out if elected?

4: What do you think about negative campaigning - do you think there is a place for it these days?
5: What is one thing unexpected that you would do if elected?

Julie Hall
One Nation Candidate For Whitsunday

1: Common sense, people focused politics. We have the guts to say what you’re thinking. The cost of living is hurting our community and killing businesses. We need common sense decisions when it comes to securing cheaper energy for households, businesses and industry. Selling off the country’s resources so that countries like India and China can export and use our coal to provide their households with energy at one third the cost per kilowatt while our businesses and families go broke, is wrong. We need to fix our roads, provide more infrastructure to encourage development and address our youth issues starting with schools and youth crime.  

2: Labor and LNP will tell you that a vote for One Nation is a wasted vote because One Nation is unlikely to form government. The truth is that we need minor parties on the crossbench to hold the major parties to account. I promise to hold whoever is in power to their promises to the people, and if minor parties hold the balance of power, the majors will have to negotiate, and that is where we can really get things done.
3: One Nation delivered our policies for Queensland many months ago, and they are good common sense policies that resonate with most Queenslanders, and, it seems, some other political parties with similar views. LNP has made commitments by promising to legislate, by the end of 2024, the Making Queensland Safer Laws, including adult crime, adult time and removing detention as a last resort and putting the rights of victims first. This would be a good start.    
4: Politics is not a fair and equitable game, full stop. To see the unfairness in the media, you only have to look at the stories that are put out to determine which candidates are favoured because they are always featured. As far as trashing other candidates, I don’t think that’s a good look and I try and keep a positive campaign focused on my own policy. In saying that, if there is a misrepresentation that affects me or my community, then I absolutely have no problem calling it out.
5: The one thing that is not expected of a politician is to represent the people. I will represent the people of the Whitsundays. With the major party MPs having to tow the party line they must represent the party’s politics first. As a One Nation MP, I represent you, the people, and we put people before politics, being passionate about our region and our Australian values.

Amanda Camm
LNP Candidate For Whitsunday

1: Safety where you live, health services when you need them, a place to call home, respect for your money and a government that is working for you. These are the basics that have been lacking under the current Labor regime and are the fundamentals that we need for our community to prosper, to drive economic growth and to support positive social outcomes. The question I am asking voters “are things better or worse for you?” - cost of living is one of the major issues facing families and individuals no matter your occupation or situation and the LNP is committed to addressing these issues. 
2: We have committed locally to infrastructure projects - Shute Boat Ramp ($10M) and Mackay Bucasia Road ($20M) and if elected and an LNP Government we are focused on delivering. As a member of the senior leadership team of our team I will ensure these projects are delivered. A minor party cannot make any such commitments, nor can they deliver. I am accountable to my community and have demonstrated that this past four years. 

3: I am focused on the LNP’s policies, our 100 Day Plan that has been released that outlines that we are ready to govern commencing with the Making Queensland Safer Laws that will become law before Christmas if we are elected.

4: I am focused on the Right Priorities for our region and state. Youth crime, cost of living, health access and housing affordability - these are the four areas that our community is being impacted by failings along with the lack of funding for infrastructure for our region. I believe people are tired of ‘the politics’ and just want us to get on with the job and that has always been my focus. Having spent the past four years in opposition it is frustrating and I hope that changes this election.
5: Spend Sunday morning in bed with a cup of tea!

Susan Teder
Labor Candidate For Mirani

1: The cost of living measures the Miles Labor Government is delivering have resonated with me and the people of Mirani. One of the first things people talk to me about when I’m out campaigning is the $1000 power rebate and how much that has helped them. The 20 per cent off rego has also been a big boost for many people and I’m proud the party I represent in Mirani has been able to help so many people with these cost of living measures.

2: The Miles Labor Government has announced record funding for roads in Queensland and I will make sure that investment continues to roll out in this region. Our roads are just so important for our regions, especially for farmers and businesses – and I will do everything in my power to see that they continue to improve.

3: The LNP is making plenty of promises but there’s just one problem – they won’t talk about how they will pay for them, so it’s really difficult to say there’s one I would support when you don’t know where the money is coming from. At last count, the LNP had made $17 billion in unfunded promises which means they will have to pay for them in cuts to health, police and roads. I’m really worried about what could happen if they were elected here.
4: I’m not a fan of negative campaigns – some of the LNP ads I’ve seen have been outright lies, but I know the people of Mirani can see through that sort of stuff. They can also see when parties are hiding things – some people are scared about the LNP making abortions a criminal offence again if they are elected because they’ve seen LNP Leader David Crisafulli continually dodge questions about the issue. I’ve heard a lot of negative comments about that behaviour.
5: It’s probably not unexpected, but I would be a really passionate voice for Mirani in Brisbane – this region needs someone who can make a difference – and I will do that.

Belinda Hassan
Labor Candidate For Mackay

1: The cost of living relief being delivered by the Miles Labor Government resonates with me the most. It’s the first thing most people mention to me as I go around Mackay listening to people in our community. The $1000 power rebate and 20 per cent off rego has made a massive difference to many people as they try to make ends meet – and I’m really proud to be part of a team delivering that help.
2: I will not rest until I see the Mackay Satellite Hospital is up and running. These health facilities have made such a big difference wherever they have been built, providing free and convenient care and taking the pressure off the local hospital’s emergency department. It will be an absolute gamechanger for Mackay and I will make sure it is delivered. I’ll also pull out all stops to see the $20 million transformation of maternity care across Mackay, including a brand-new, state-of-the-art birth centre for our growing community.

3: Nothing would give me more pleasure than to back the policy of my opposition because I think we all need to work together to make a difference for our community – however, the reality is with the LNP’s $17 billion of unfunded promises I genuinely fear the cuts they would introduce if elected. The last time the LNP was in government they cut our health services to the bone and detailed modelling shows that across the Mackay area, more than 120 beds and more than 370 health jobs are at risk under a David Crisafulli Government.
4: I think the people of Mackay expect debate to be civil and for everyone to stick to the facts and provide straightforward answers to people’s questions. For example, many people I meet are scared the LNP will try and make abortions a criminal offence again if they are elected. Now, the easy way for that debate to be settled would be for the Opposition Leader David Crisafulli to provide clear answers on the topic, but he keeps dodging the questions about it, so people are getting frustrated and worried, and that creates a whole negative atmosphere for the election.
5: I don’t know if it’s totally unexpected, but if I was elected, I would immerse myself even more into the community, continuing to help local charities to fundraise for good causes.

Daniel Carroll
Katter Party Candidate For Burdekin

1: Unlike other political parties, the KAP is a values based party. We believe in fairness for all North Queenslanders and offer common sense solutions to serious problems such as crime, support for businesses and cost of living.

2: Our first priority is to address the crime problem we face in Queensland. This generates so much waste and suffering for individuals and organisations. 

3: I like the promise from the liberal party that they will address the issue with youth crime but fear that their policies will not work 

4: I am running an entirely positive campaign and have nothing negative to say about any of the other candidates 

5: I will do a tour of every pub and social club in the electorate. I think these are often at the heart of our communities and need our support.

Dale Last
LNP Candidate For Burdekin

1: I am representing the Liberal National Party (LNP), just as I always have. Since joining the party and as Member for Burdekin I have consistently resonated with and upheld their ideals and policies. These ideals like having freedom of conscience and freedom of expression have been the foundation of my work as the Member for Burdekin, ensuring that no matter where you live or work in the Burdekin, there is an opportunity to raise your concerns, beliefs or desires with me.
2: My priority has always been and will always be the electorate of the Burdekin. I am proud to have worked closely with the Burdekin community to fight for a safer community, better access to health services and roads that meet the needs of the industries that rely on them. Burdekin residents made it clear they wanted to see a CT scanner at their hospital, and I am proud to say an LNP elected government will deliver that.  

3: Right across the electorate residents would be able to name a road that is not just poorly maintained or congested but down right unsafe. No matter where we live we deserve to be able to hop in our vehicles and arrive at our destination safely. Labor's commitment to upgrades and repairs on roads in this electorate is long overdue, especially when you consider how many times I have raised the state of our major roads on the floor of the Queensland Parliament over my three terms as Member for Burdekin. 

4: An election should be about a clear choice for voters based on ideals, policies and commitments to those voters in the electorate. A campaign which is built on mudslinging and negative vitriol against another party's candidate quite often does more damage to that candidate's own campaign. 

5: Give my hard working staff some well-deserved time off!

Anne Baker
Labor Candidate For Burdekin

1: Throughout its history, Labor has been a progressive force for workers and working families, especially for women, establishing many of the reforms and initiatives that continue to drive gender equality to this day. Without Labor, we wouldn’t have Medicare! I am a big believer in improving Healthcare without cuts. We need more hospital beds and more health workers, not less, plus returning Coal Royalties to region is the only way we are going to fix the Bruce Highway. I have already secured $157M in fully committed funding for the Peak Downs Highway and The Bruce Highway north of Bowen is next on my list.       
2: I have more than one commitment and they are not just promises. If elected my commitments will happen as the money is fully funded. Burdekin Netball Association Facilities redevelopment: $3.5m, Clermont Swimming Centre upgrade: $3.2m, Bowen Wood Turners Association: $10,000, Hinterland Community Care Funding: $42, 000, Burdekin’s Men’s Sheds: $40,000. TAFE pilot program: $10m,  Plus the $157M fully funded commitment to Burdekin Electorate Roads and the Peak Downs Highway.

3: Any promise or commitment that benefits regional communities is a positive. We need to ensure the Burdekin electorate is seen and heard by State and Federal Government, not looked over.   

4: Talking trash, No. Highlighting lack of representation or in some cases informing the public that a job could have possibly been done better is sometimes just a fact of life in politics as it can inform the voter to reconsider the current representation.   
5: After a long time in Local Government, 12 of those as Mayor, people who know me expect me to continually work for my community. If elected, after this campaign I may take half a day off before I officially start LOL! On a serious note, I will wholeheartedly support the Sugar Industry in their journey towards producing biofuels, bioplastics and other renewables to be sustainably produced replacements for fossil fuel-based products. I believe this is the way of the future for the industry, which may be unexpected for an ALP Candidate. I will fight to reduce electricity costs for farmers and fight to improve water quality and river health.  
Andrew Elborne
One Nation Candidate For Burdekin

1: Fixing the cost of living problems, the power problems and the youth programs - I am experienced in all of them.

2: Simplify legislation so the average citizen can follow it, stop having legislation written by Lawyers.

3: I am running for One Nation and our policies.

4: There is no place for trash talking other parties, it is disrespectful to everyone

5: Being a large electorate, I would probably retrofit a caravan and take the office on the road to be accessible to all my constituents

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