Thursday, June 27, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Bowen Fire Station De-lighted to Reach 100 Years of Service

By Ruth Puddefoot

At the weekend Bowen Fire and Rescue Station reached a blazing milestone of 100 years of life saving service. To celebrate the occasion, the station held an open day which included memorabilia, kitchen fire demonstrations, food and coffee vans and fire trucks, including an original 1920’s Truck.
Senior Firefighter Ian Patchett and Firefighter Ricky Skipper organised the day, and Ian expressed that he was “really pleased with how it turned out”.
“We are really excited, I mean, we are only 100 once” Ian added.
“It is a really good opportunity to showcase what we’ve done over the last 100 years and we’ve obviously got our original 1920 Ford Truck”.
Ian furthered on this, claiming that it is a really good chance to “show the community where we’ve come from, as to where we are today”.
Firefighter Ricky Skipper, has been at Bowen Fire and Rescue Station for 10 years, and expressed how the station’s centenary is an “amazing” achievement.
“It's an achievement, not many fire stations in Queensland, that I am aware of, have that milestone”.
“The fact that we have their original truck and original paperwork, is really fantastic” Ricky enthused.
Also in attendance at the event was Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Wilcox, Mayor Ry Collins and Member for Burdekin Dale Last.
Andrew Wilcox encouraged all to come down and “get an appreciation for the vital service” that the ladies and gentlemen at the station provide.
Mayor Ry Collins presented the 100-year anniversary plaque to the fire station; the mayor praised the “amazing milestone”.
“We throw numbers around, but 100 years is really something quite significant”.
Mr Collins, reflected on his family history “my grandfather’s, grandfather was the MP for Bowen this time 100 years ago, it sort of makes you think back to your own past as well”.
The mayor added that he’s sure that this sentiment holds for others in the community and that they also may have descendants that have “been part of the history”.
Senior Firefighter Ian Patchett expressed the station’s excitement for the plaque and explained that they “also have the 75th plaque at the station”.
Newly appointed Zone commander for Mackay and the new Queensland fire dept, Sven Diga commented on how it’s his first time ever being at a station that is 100 years old.
“I've done the 50 years quite regularly, but to do a 100-year celebration is just quite amazing”.
The fire fighters all mentioned their appreciation for the community:
“We're here to support the community, not the community support us. We are basically here to ensure that communities are safe” Ian Patchett added.
The day was busy from the start at 9am, and all the firefighters and attendees expressed how much they had enjoyed the event. A big congratulations to the Bowen Fire and Rescue Station, we are all getting fired up for the next 100-year celebration.

Mayor Ry Collins and Member for Burdekin Dale last standing with the local firefighters. Photo credit: Ruth Puddefoot

Federal Member for Dawson Andrew Willcox standing with the 1920’s Fire Truck. Photo supplied

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