Council is calling on residents to take some time to get to know their neighbours during March.
On the last Sunday in March, we mark Neighbour Day, which began in Melbourne in 2003 after the remains of an elderly woman were found inside her suburban home, more than two years after her death.
Council is committed to ensuring sad incidents like that will never occur in our community.
Every March, residents in our region are encouraged to be “Legendary Neighbours”.
Mayor Greg Williamson said council’s Legendary Neighbour campaign had two parts.
“We are aiming to bring regional areas together with our free Cuppa with your Neighbour events at Slade Point, Bloomsbury, North Eton, Hay Point, Ball Bay and Eungella,” Mayor Williamson said.
“These are really informal events where we use a local coffee vendor to provide some free cuppas in an area and invite residents to come along and meet each other and chat with a council Community Development Officer,” he said.
“The other part of the Legendary Neighbour campaign encourages residents to host their own neighbourhood gathering with one of our Legendary Neighbour Party Packs.
“Each pack includes a $100 meat voucher and all the odds and ends you need to host a fun get-together with people in your street who you might not know yet.
“After the popularity of last year’s event, this year we have 20 packs up-for-grabs and all you need to do to apply for one is head to the council website and tell us why you want to get to know your neighbours.
“This initiative is aimed at those who may be new to a street or may have never had the opportunity to become acquainted with their neighbours.
“The whole campaign is about building a more connected community, because connected communities look out for each other and are more resilient.”
Cuppa with your neighbour events will be held on:
Friday, March 28, 8am to 10am – Café Eden, Eungella.
Tuesday, March 18, 8am to 10am – Ball Bay camping area.
Tuesday, March 11, 9am to 11am – QCWA Eton/Eton North Hall, 7 Mill Street, North Eton.
Thursday, March 13, 9am to 11am – Hay Point Memorial Park, 23 McCarthy Street, Half Tide Beach.
For more information or to apply for a Legendary Neighbour box, head to
Entries open February 28 and close March 31.
About Neighbour Day
Neighbour Day was founded in Melbourne in March 2003 by local resident, Andrew Heslop, after the remains of an elderly woman were found inside her suburban home, more than two years after her death. Relationships Australia became the custodian of Neighbour Day in 2014 and the day has since grown into an ongoing, year-round social connection campaign that seeks to address loneliness across Australia. Neighbour Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of March annually.