Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

A Cup Cake For Headspace

The team at headspace Whitsundays raised awareness for headspace Day at the Lions Airlie Beach Markets over the weekend, hosting a stall and giving away cupcakes, cookies and meaningful conversations.

Encouraging young people to slow down and take time to prioritise their mental health was the message behind the special day which featured a theme of ‘Pause. Reflect. Reconnect’.

Young people attending the headspace day event shared some of their strategies for slowing down and reconnecting in tough times by creating a temporary mural.

Adding ideas, thoughts and words to the creative space, youngsters wrote that activities like playing netball, hanging out with friends, meditating, breathing, kicking the footy and playing computer games were all ways that they could look after their mental health.

Headspace Whitsundays Manager Carmen Davey says headspace Day was an important date for all members of the community but particularly young people and those with young people in their lives.

“Headspace Day 2022 was a sweeping success as young people and marketgoers were given a chance to chat honestly and openly about mental health and how to best support their young people,” she said.

Any young person, family, or friends in need of support are encouraged to visit their local headspace centre.

Contact headspace Whitsundays via Phone: (07) 4842 6760 or email: or visit their centre at 41 Main Street in Proserpine.

Headspace Whitsundays is open Monday to Wednesday 8:30-4:30pm.

Support is also available via phone and online counselling service headspace seven days a week between 9am–1am. The number is 1800 650 890.

If you are looking for someone to talk to immediately, Lifeline (13 11 14) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) are available to talk 24/7.

Kristy Crothers, Youth and Community Engagement Officer for headspace. Image supplied

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