Thursday, August 24, 2023


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

A ‘Cool’ Idea Closer To Reality

A plan for a permanent ice rink in Mackay has been gathering momentum like a snowball downhill after Danish ice hockey player and Mackay local Andreas Elkjaer skated the idea for the Sugar City.

Andreas, who moved to Mackay in June last year, was desperately missing the ice - a place he said “feels like home” - and decided that he would take it upon himself to get Mackay its first permanent rink.

That led Andreas to Frozen Wonderland ice rink owner Ken Jensen – a Bundaberg resident who in previous years had tried to start up rinks in Mackay, but struggled to find a suitable location. The pair started searching for a 1000 square metre space to put up the rink, and have had some promising sites already.

“I asked the question whether there was a possibility for an ice rink because I was curious, and I was putting myself out there,” Andreas said.

“Mackay, it’s not a typical winter sport city, so I was curious to how people would react.

“I knew there was interest but I was surprised by how positive people were and what a great interaction I’ve had with people.”

With simple criteria: A shed of around 1000 square metres and 20 parking spots somewhere in Mackay, Andreas took to Facebook to gauge how hot or cold locals would be on a permanent installation.

He received over a thousand responses.

“We have found two or three great options, which we’re keeping for ourselves, but there are good options out there; two or three that could meet his criteria,” he said.

Of those two or three options, Ken has already visited one site and is very positive about its potential.

“We’ve had a look at a site and we’re negotiating with the owner. We’re just looking at the bits and pieces of whether it would be feasible,” Ken said.

Ken is bringing the financial backing for the project, with his budget roughly $100,000 per year to run the rink – installing solar and insulation.

In previous years Mackay has hosted temporary rinks at the Mackay Entertainment Convention Centre and at Canelands, each time wildly popular.

Ken said that, with Councillors positivity about the idea, the rink could be up as soon as the July school holidays.

“I have everything required for the job – chillers, skates. It’s all sitting there and it’s a matter of ticking all the boxes,” he said.

“It’s a matter of waiting to secure the building and finding the staff and getting it all up and running.”

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