1. Avoid single use plastics
A simple way to start living more sustainably is by cutting out single-use plastics. Each year in Australia, it is estimated that 3.5 million metric tons of plastic is produced, with half being used only once before ending up in landfills or the ocean, where it never decomposes. Swap single-use items for reusable alternatives, like water bottles, to make a difference.
2. Recycle
Recycle items like cans, paper, and plastics according to local guidelines. Upcycle items like plastic containers for new uses, buy secondhand, and donate unwanted items. Old T-shirts can be repurposed as dish cloths as an alternative to paper towels.
3. Do a cold-water wash when washing clothes
If your washing machine has an option to adjust based on load size, select a smaller setting. This uses less water while still getting your clothes clean. Washing with cold water can reduce the energy needed by up to 80%.
4. Replacing one incandescent lightbulb with a compact fluorescent light
Only 10% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb produces light; the rest is given off as heat. Compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLS) are up to four times as efficient as incandescent bulbs.
5. Reduce your air conditioning usage
In the Whitsundays, many individuals rely on air conditioning to stay cool during the summer. Air conditioners are the largest energy consumers in homes, using 10% of global electricity and releasing harmful gases. Turning them off when you leave and minimising usage helps reduce their environmental impact