Each year, during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we take part in the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign.
When does it take place?
Campaigns and events will take place across Australia from Friday 25 November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to Saturday 10 December, Human Rights Day. We will also be raising awareness locally in Mackay over the 16 days.
Why is it important?
In Australia, 1 in 3 women has experienced physical or sexual assault in her lifetime. By recognising the 16 Days of Activism, we aim to raise public awareness of gender-based violence and mobilise people everywhere to bring about change.
What part does Zonta play?
We aim to:
• Raise awareness of the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign in our local communities;
• Take local, national and international actions to influence the making and implementation of laws; and
• Contribute to changing gender-based attitudes and behaviours to end violence against women.
What’s happening in Mackay?
We have the following exciting plans in the works to raise awareness:
• Mackay Regional Council will light up the Sir Albert Abbott Administration building in orange, for the full 16 days;
• Our well known ‘Orange Ladies’ will pop up in various locations around the region; and
• We will be creating posters of support, as well as posting photos and updates throughout the 16 days on our Facebook page.
How can I get involved?
• Visit our website (zontadistrict22.org/district-22-clubs/zonta-club-of-mackay-inc/) to download the poster of support;
• Share your photos and messages of support with us via the Zonta Club of Mackay Facebook page; and
• Keep an eye out for our well known ‘Orange Ladies’ in locations around Mackay! These will provide an opportunity to learn more about the issue of gender-based violence, and the effects it has on our community.
For further information about any of these events, please send a message via Facebook or email zontamackay@gmail.com. I look forward to sharing more about Zonta and our events with you!
Karlee Box
Zonta Club Board Member