Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Mackay Road Runners Tackle Dolphin Heads Precincts

Last Sunday, 66 participants graced the Beach Road Dolphin Heads precincts, surpassing the attendance of the previous week's Tim’s Chariots of Fire event at Slade Point, confirmed by the event organiser and the author. While some may contest this tally, it's worth noting that The Tilse’s Toddle two weeks earlier boasted numbers nearing the triple-digit mark, with Whibley’s Wander closely following suit.
One undeniable highlight was the hospitality of the Bishop’s Beach Road Barnstormer hosts, who generously opened their doors to accommodate the runners, offering a delightful morning of competition followed by a well-deserved post-run refreshment of a cuppa and sausage sizzle.
The Mackay Road Runners gratitude is extended to Julie, Brendan, Millie, Hughie, and all the neighbourhood kids and furry friends for contributing to the warmth and enjoyment of the occasion. It was said to be a beautiful morning filled with camaraderie and healthy competition!

Contributed By Janelle Tilse

Emily Hayles (left) and Mel Esau get in some quality racing at the Bishop’s Beach Road Barnstormer 10km.
Approximately sixty Mackay Road Runners’ members, casual day runners and supporters enjoyed a magnificent morning from a magnificent location at Beach Road, Dolphin Heads.
Craig Andrews (#107) completed a sensational 10km which included a spirited sprint to the finish line with his running peers.
Mackay Road Runners’ stalwart, Jan Smith (#5) and Alleny Gorrion (right) enjoyed a cruisey 5km with a pressure cooker finish.
The Bishop’s Beach Rd Barnstormer resident, Millie Bishop had no excuses to be late!
Dolphin Heads Beach Road Neighbourhood Watch had nothing on these kids as they supported runners in the two loop 5km/10km event.

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